Maryland Art Education Association
2020 Conference
Friday, October 16
6:00pm - 9:00pm
Keynote Speaker: Mario Rossero, NAEA Executive Director
Mix & Mingle Sessions:
Get Your Art Out There
Be an ARTvocate!
Use Your Artist Eyes: A Virtual Scavenger Hunt
Mindful Making
Saturday, October 17
8:30am - 5:00pm​
Synchronous Sessions​
Conversations with Colleagues
Social Reform through Art Education: One Man's Artful Spirit
Beyond Polite Reform: Art, Advocacy, and Direct Action
The Power of Art to Teach Writing: How Artists/Writers Organize Their Work (Organization Trait)
Up Cycled Illustration
Visualizing Untold Histories of Art Education
Learning to Teach in the Time of Corona
Mono-prints and Metacognition a Deep Dive into Artistic Thinking and Planning
Reaching Our Most Challenging Students -Connecting Students Who Have Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities To Art
ADAPTIVE ART: Suggestions for Learning Online
Wishes in the Wind
Asynchronous Sessions​
An Introduction to Anti-Racist Art Teaching
Paper Quilling
Contemporary Art in the Elementary Classroom
Creating a Safe Space: Our LGBTQ+ Students and Their Allies
Fostering Resilience During Turbulent Times Through Educator Self-Care
Is It Art? Data Visualization: How Does Data Visualization Align With the National Core Art Standards?
Let's Talk: Engaging Social Action in the Art Room
Making Artists: Choice-Based Art Education
Self-Care for Art Teachers: The Visual Notes Project
Working with Contemporary Art